Author: losranchos
Wheels Museum Visit
Founded in 1994 by Leba Freed, the Wheels Museum is a treasure trove of Albuquerque’s transportation history. Housed in a historic 1914 Santa Fe Railyard freight building, the museum showcases over 10,000 fascinating artifacts that chronicle the evolution of transportation in the region. Leba Freed, with significant early support from Mayor Joe Craig who worked…
Watch Video of Kromer House Presentation
Kindly recorded at the home of Eugenia and Charles Eberle on Saturday, April 27, 2024. Professor Stefan Schoberlein, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University-Central Texas, and Teri Reynoso, Special Collections Librarian at The Public Library of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County, will present “Meet the Kromers: A Case Study of the Albuquerque Boheme, 1930s – 1950s”. In…
Scanned: 70s Newsletters
Thanks to Sue Kaplan, we now have copies of four Los Ranches de Albuquerque newsletters from the 1970s. You can read, and even download copies for yourself, here. Anyone with more newsletters, photographs, slides, or other material that might be of interest to others, we would be thrilled to add them to our collection. We…
Collecting Route 66 Stories
According to the Santa Fe New Mexican, the National Trust for Historic Preservation is compiling “memories, stories and photos in a massive online scrapbook.” Anyone can contribute to this project, slated to complete in 2026. To read the full story in the SF New Mexican, please click here. National Trust for Historic Preservation’s “Your Route…
Theresa Rael Named President
At our Los Ranchos Historical Society (LRHS) meeting on February 3 at the Village Hall, those present included Mayor Joe Craig, Theresa Rael, Alan Leary, Gordene MacKenzie, Nancy Nangeroni, Marcia Smiley, Eugenia Eberle, JR (Wilfred) Barela, Susan Kaplan Lentz, Ron Chavez, Paula Doherty and Marsha Adams. We unanimously named Theresa Rael as our president. We…
Village May Buy Open Land
Tuesday, May 10, 2005 by Carolyn Carlson, Journal Staff Writer — One of the largest pieces of open land in the village of Los Ranchos could stay open space if officials approve a purchase agreement with the owner Wednesday. Trustees will be asked to approve an agreement with Paul and Kandace Blanchard to buy about…
Los Ranchos Buys Land
Saturday, August 14, 2010 by Andrea Schoellkopf, Journal Staff Writer The village of Los Ranchos now has its own entrance to Los Poblanos Fields open space, with the acquisition of 4 more acres on Rio Grande Boulevard.Bernalillo County gave the village $1.2 million to purchase the land, which is part of the Anderson winery, said…
Los Ranchos Hopes To Acquire Open Space
Thursday, March 10, 2005 by Carolyn Carlson, Journal Staff Writer — For more than eight years, Los Ranchos resident Joe Craig has wanted the village to buy the land along the north side of Paseo del Norte and keep it as pristine open space. This could be the year it happens. Los Ranchos is asking…
Preserve Our Open Spaces For the Future
Saturday, March 10, 2007 by Joe D. Craig — I read Bryan Kelley’s letter about how Paradise Hills has been lost in Wednesday’s Journal. It left me with a great deal of sadness. I grew up in the North Valley and went to school with the kids from Paradise Hills. I remember their stories of…
Yonemoto’s Nursery and Farm Market
Yonemoto’s Nursery and Farm Market on 4th NW, just north of El Pueblo. Removed to make way for Paseo Del Norte’s 6 lane highway to the West Side. Seen at ABQ Museum 2019 exhibit Courage and Compassion: Our Shared Story of the Japanese American World War II Experience explores the legacy of Albuquerque’s Japanese American community and…
That’s what we are, volunteers. Donating our time and effort to documenting the history of our Village. Your help is welcome. We also need historical photos and documents. We can scan these if you don’t have them in electronic format. We can even come to your place to scan them. Just send us an email:…